Coco Crab - colorful Android arcade game with casual gameplay, according to which the user will manage the crab and cut the colorful fruits and berries appearing on the screen. Visually the project looks positively, and the cheerful musical accompaniment only adds to it pluses to the overall assessment. Earned gold coins are spent in a special machine, which allows you to get at the disposal of the player a new amusing protagonist. But in any case it will be a crab, only its appearance and outfits change. The gaming machine itself is a copy of the devices that are in many modern outlets - with the help of a special movable claw we try to get a new crab out. As it seems to us, this option is completely superfluous, as the money flows through your fingers, and on the gameplay it is completely not reflected. The very gameplay of the project Coco Crab in many ways resembles a popular timekiller called Fruit Ninja. The only difference is that in our case, the management is not carried out by svaypami, but by tapas, which allow the crab to throw up its long claw. In addition, in order to cut even one juicy fruit, it will have to interact with it at least three times - the first tap cuts the element, the second - allows the crab to grab one halve, and the third, respectively, the remaining fiber of the fruit. The rule is only one - the fruit is allowed to collect only the claw. At the same time, it is not necessary to collect the collection at once, since the pieces will still jump for a long time in the location. But even here there is a danger, if the crab touches the fruit with a body, then it will die, and all your efforts will go wrong.