The long-awaited continuation of the role-playing adventure Android project from the studio HaMT Studios, the protagonist of which does not stop trying to find out the terrible secret of a neighbor living in the neighborhood. You have to get into the house of your mysterious neighbor, while acting with utmost care and quiet, so as not to be detected. Most people are convinced that only lovely and benevolent neighbors live around. However, the protagonist of the adventure project Hi Neighbor 2 for the Android platform does not share this view, so before trying to communicate closely with the new person, he tries to find out all his background. Sometimes it looks like real paranoia and obsession, but sometimes it's only in this way that you can understand what a person is, and the information sometimes turns out to be quite interesting. As in the first part of the game series, the main task of the Hi Neighbor project is to spy on and secretly enter the new neighbor's mansion, about which nothing is known, since he moved to a small town recently. Of course, the neighbor does not at all seek to disclose to his outsiders all his secrets, therefore, to act as secretly as possible, quietly examining the room after room in search of irrefutable evidence of neighbor's crimes. Pleases in the novelty of high-quality optimization and full three-dimensional graphics, supplemented with colorful special effects, capable of surprising even the most fastidious gamer.