About Песни наоборот - для двоих
You asked - we created! Merry game RecReverse now for two! Strike with friends in the most unusual and ridiculous battle - "Songs on the contrary." This is a unique audio quiz, in which you come up with tasks!
The rules are very simple. Call a friend or assemble a fun group of friends and split into two teams. Some will make up songs, others will guess. This is incredibly funny! After all, the game uses the principle of double reverse of your voice. Write the song in your performance and we'll turn it backwards. Let the second team repeat these incomprehensible and funny sounds. After we reverse the recording of the second team once again indifferent will not remain. After all, you will hear the song, but in a very funny performance. And now let the friends guess what kind of song it is! The one who will guess more songs will win.
Rec Reverse (Rek Reverse) for two is ideal for a fun two-player game for a party and for a noisy company of friends! This is a free quiz game, which does not require encyclopedic knowledge. Just take friends, good mood and go! Laughter, fun and exciting gameplay are provided to you!
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Google Play ID: altergames.recreverse_fortwo
On this page, you can download for free for tablet Песни наоборот - для двоих APK file for Android. Песни наоборот - для двоих latest new version for Android is 1.1.1.
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