The right Fighting Timer for everyone, it's a helper for anyone who understands a lot about training. You can create your own workouts. Prescribe exercises. Set the interval of time and rest for each exercise. Set the number of circles. For example, 1 circle is 6 exercises for 1 minute.
The right fight timer for everyone, counts your laps on its own.
Displays the exercise that is currently to be performed and the exercise that is next.
There is a voice assistant function.
For those who like to add intensity, the function of acceleration and deceleration is included. At a certain second, the right fight timer for everyone will tell you when to speed up and when to slow down.
Among the timers, this is one of the most unique, as it was created on the basis of the training of professional athletes and customized to their requirements.
This application can be useful to absolutely anyone who loves interval training. It does not matter running, playing rugby, cycling, crossfit and others.