Play with others and share the fun where you can play two defense or attack in this innovative game from the original snake eating favorite food balls by everyone, the war of snakes is a simple game based on participation and fun.
Advantages :
# Play with others via Bluetooth.
# Quick, light and simple.
# Settings You can check the sensor or all the controls that help you play.
# Play striker and defender respectively.
# Your own database, record all your achievements and the number of wins and losses and give you a title for your average achievements.
# You can play and practice on your own with a simple simulator.
Game rules and instructions:
1. You will always be a red snake.
2. Once your role will be the serpent "striker" and once your role will be the serpent "Defender".
If you are a snake, you should take the green dots with the highest number.
If you are the snake, you have to eat or eat the other snake before you can eat green balls.
3. If you are an attacker and have eaten balls with a certain number you will be the loser.
4. If the snakes hit each other, the snake would be the "attacker".
5. Collision with your body or the walls of the battlefield, makes you lose the battle.
6. Eat food balls on the battlefield, cause the snake body length.
7. Your snake moves with the movement of your sensor.