"Jijiii youthful explosion !!"
Hell army appeared from the bottom of hell!
Its strength is powerful, even neither the gods who gathered the science of human science got hands nor legs!
Their purpose is to conquer the world!
The greatest nightmare in the history of the Shinkin has started!
But there justice friends appeared there!
That name is ...
Martial arts mid-year Daikendo!
Deaths every evil The deadly sword raise its groan!
Muscle Clever Die Judea with the strongest brain and muscles!
Enemy ?! What? Are you a friend! What? A genius gunman ganjuu who fell into the dark in the past!
Still more active!
Energetic Jijii rampage!
=== Recommended for such people! ! ===
· People with a heart of justice · People who want to enjoy youth · People who admire cool parents · People who want courage and preparedness
=== System ===
· Party battle with adjacent units!
Even an enemy who can not be defeated by one aircraft,
It is a defeatable husband if you combine the power of a fellow!
· Behavior is determined not by turn system but by mobility of the god machine.
Hot battle of active turn system!
A god machine with high mobility can move two or three times while the late shrine takes action once!
· And a superb advantage combo system on party battle! !
Continue giving an attack and damage will rise!
With the cooperation of our colleagues, knock out the great damage! !
· Aim for the ultimate combo! ! Cooperation gauge system!
A cooperation gauge system joins and becomes a powerful battle scene of a powerful force!
"Combo" will be repeated, and "When the cooperation gauge becomes MAX, additional attacks become possible"!
Since the attack power increases according to the number of combos, combining the collaborating gauge and the deathblow technique makes it possible to knock out terrible damage!
Even super powerful enemies cooperate with friends and crush!
· Special mortal work also uses one gauge Character that can use super mortal work that can be released not only using the special killing technique but all using the deadly attack gauge appeared!
The power of the super decease skill has the power to reverse the game situation with a single blow! !
· Customize yourself only by strengthening the aircraft!
God machine is strengthened by embedding memory in stock!
Attack power emphasis, speed emphasis, you can make your favorite remodeling.
Let's make your own troops by judging the fighting power of the party!
· Pilot development Pilots who raised the level can be cultivated by combat repeatedly!
Whether to extend strengths or compensate for weak points! What?
It is also possible to get useful skills!
Skill distribution can be done any number of times so make it until you are satisfied!
· This work is completely free game.
There is no charge, no waiting time or gacha.
Please enjoy purely the world of the god machine and the story!