About 超級無敵大電視 Super! Charades
**This is a legacy version that supports android 4.2 and below. So some devices might not work. We are no longer supporting it. Thank you for your support along the way.
Players must be divided into two groups. The player must use an action or language prompt to estimate a character or object on the phone within a limited time. If the player speaks one of the objects on the phone, mentions any name or evades the evaluator. If this is the case, this round will be void. The group with the most estimated objects is the winner. Turn the phone down if the player guesses it, flip the phone up if the player passes.
Free version includes 500 words. Unlock version has over 3000 phrases in Chinese and English.
Available on Android and iPhone.
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Google Play ID: com.liteapp.supertv
On this page, you can download for free for tablet 超級無敵大電視 Super! Charades APK file for Android. 超級無敵大電視 Super! Charades latest new version for Android is 1.38.
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