Let's make our own beverage company and manage it!
Raising your previous job, 1, 2 download 50,000 download all, topped 200,000 total!
Produce and sell your own beverages, recruit employees, and grow your company from the store owner to the big business owner!
If you want to be the richest person, use the Google leaderboard (ranking) system and try to win first place!
Collect your achievements while playing the game and try to score your achievements with your friends!
This time, Cheat Barrier, a cheat security program, was used to block memory operations and speed nukes.
+ Speed Nuclear Blocking has been interrupted due to a problem with the current program function.
Producer recruitment and production of beverages are in charge of production.
The sales manager sells the seller and drinks.
Increase your reputation in branding.
Increases popularity in marketing.
Your development manager will upgrade your drinking water.
You can turn on / off the sound in the settings and see your rankings and achievements, or use the bankruptcy and event functions.
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