Educational games for children - Alphabet for children, Slovak. Alphabet in Slovak.
Interactive teaching of the Slovak alphabet designed for children aged 4-7 and supplemented with beautiful and concise pictures.
The freeware version contains the letters AH. The full version can be purchased. The application contains 9 games:
1. Alphabet
2. Uppercase letters
3. Lowercase letters
4. Find the card
5. Word formation
6. Letters in a word
7. Memory game
8. What letter do you hear at the beginning of a word?
9. What letter do you hear at the end of a word?
Application description:
1) ALPHABET Simple browsing through the alphabet, where children learn the names and appearance of letters.
2) CAPITAL LETTERS Children become familiar with the uppercase letters of the alphabet in conjunction with a visual depiction of words. For example. O as FIRE, A as CAR. The letters are displayed with pictures in random order. The game contains a total of 135 nice illustrations, usually 5 pictures for each letter.
3) LOWER LETTERS The game is a similar variant of game No. 2, but using lowercase letters of the alphabet.
4) FIND THE CARD The task of this game is to point to the picture that begins with the displayed letter. For example, the letter K is displayed and 3 pictures below it: chocolate, gift, chef. The program reads the letter and names the illustrations so that the assignment of the picture is not too difficult for children. When clicking on the wrong picture, the program warns of the error: "That's not right, it was Č for Chocolate." If the correct choice is made, the program says: "K for chef" and the little preschooler is praised.
5) WORD FORMATION In this game, children rotate the boxes where the letters are hidden and gradually build the word drawn in the picture. The picture is initially hidden (behind a curtain) and with each new letter it is revealed a little. After all the letters are turned, the program reads the created word and the entire illustration is displayed.
6) LETTERS IN A WORD The task of this game is to find the selected letters in a word. For example, the word "CHEF" is displayed (in this game without a picture) and the task is to find the letter "R". When clicking on the wrong letter, the program pronounces the incorrectly chosen letter and encourages the beginning reader to try again. If the children find the correct letter on the first try, they will receive a star. For 8 stars they receive, a surprise awaits them.
7) MEMO There are 20 cards on the screen. This is a modification of the memory game, where children connect a letter with a picture (A+CAR, C+ONION, etc.).
8. What letter do you hear at the beginning of the word? 9. What letter do you hear at the end of the word?