Alphabet for children. Learning the alphabet with illustrations. Letters for children, Polish.
Contains letter games and activities for children aged 3 to 7 Alphabet for children is a program developed by one of the best producers of educational software.
Our latest educational game:
Speech therapy exercises for children The software contains 9 games:
1. Alphabet
2. Capital letters
3. Lower case letters
4. Find a card
5. Building words
6. Letters in a word
7. Pexeso
8. What sound do you hear at the beginning of the word?
9. What sound do you hear at the end of the word?
Program description:
1) ALPHABET A simple list of letters of the alphabet, allowing the child to become familiar with the names and appearance of letters.
2) UPPER CAPITAL LETTERS The child learns about capital letters in words, e.g. O in the word FIRE, A in the word AUTO.
The letters are displayed with the appropriate pictures in random order.
The game contains a total of 330 pictures. 3) LOWER LETTERS This is a game similar to the one presented in point 2, but concerns lower case letters.
4) FIND A CARD The player must indicate a picture that begins with a given letter.
For example, the letter K appears, and under it 3 pictures - chocolate, a present and a chef. The program reads the letter and names the illustrations, which is a certain convenience for the child. If the child clicks on the wrong picture, they will hear "Mistake, it was C for chocolate". Choosing the right picture is confirmed by the words "K for chef" and the little preschooler is praised.
5) BUILDING WORDS In this game, the child surrounds parts of the picture, after which a word is created. The picture is hidden behind a curtain and gradually reveals itself with each subsequent letter. After marking all the letters, the created word is read and the entire illustration is revealed.
6) LETTERS IN A WORD The aim of the game is to find the letters in a word. For example, when the word COOK is displayed, the child must find the letter R. If the player clicks on the wrong letter, it is read out and the system encourages the player to try again. If the child selects correctly, the program will praise the child and then provide the next word. Selecting the correct word for the first time is rewarded with a star. For 8 stars, the player receives a surprise.
There are 20 cards on the base. This is a version of the game Pexeso ("memories"), in which you have to match the letter to the picture (A + AUTO, C + CEBULA, etc.).
8. What sound do you hear at the beginning of the word? 9. What sound do you hear at the end of the word? The application helps preschool children learn letters. The pronunciation was developed to correspond to the actual pronunciation of letters in a word – so, for example, the word "hedgehog" is not spelled (jot-e-ż), but (je-ż).
When working with words, it was necessary to introduce sounds, corresponding to, for example, digraphs, which of course do not appear in the alphabet on their own (CZ, CH, SZ, etc.). This was a condition for ensuring the correct course of learning.
Comments on the program:
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[email protected]. We will try to take into account your suggestions in subsequent versions of the PMQ Alphabet for Children, as far as possible.