Improve your child's multiplication and division now!
Arithmetic Genius (pack 2) is a new way to practise times tables and division, and boost your child's confidence with mathematics.
Students find numeracy challenging because there is insufficient focus in schools on learning and memorizing number facts. This means that many children lack the confidence to answer number problems, don't have faith in their own answers, or become 'lost' in the detail of a calculation. As a result, many kids are put off the subject altogether, or just don't consider themselves clever enough to 'do mathematics'.
This app has been designed to remedy that problem. When used in short, sharp bursts for just 5 minutes a day, Arithmetic Genius will quickly boost students' confidence and mathematical ability. The key here is to practice a little and often - the app will build on what has previously been learned, and revisit any areas of difficulty. Arithmetic Genius offers practice in over 70 different multiplication and division skills, picked to complement the areas of development that children are taught in school.
Help your child achieve the success they deserve with Arithmetic Genius.
* The app is suitable for ages 4+.
* A simple and fun way to become confident with handling numbers and calculations.
* Students are kept motivated by scoring points, winning trophies and attempting to beat their previous best times.
* The app is simple and neutral in design, so it will appeal to learners of all ages (ie. it's also ideal for older children or adults who want to improve their arithmetic, but don't want to use a program that is targeted at youngsters).
* Over 70 graded levels are provided, covering both addition and subtraction, designed by teachers with over 30 years teaching experience.
* Each student has their own profile in which to store their achievements.
* 5 difficulty levels, which can be allocated to students on an individual basis. Lower difficulties give younger children extra time to complete problems, whilst higher difficulty settings will challenge even older or more able students.
* For those learners that get stressed by time pressure, an option is included to remove the timer.
* The app will adapt to each student, giving them more practice with the questions they are finding more difficult.
* A list of 'tricky questions' can be viewed in each student's profile (along with their current error rates).
* No upper limit on the number of profiles, so entire classes can be entered (as long as your device doesn't run out of memory).
* Relevant to the primary mathematics curriculum (encouraging counting on and back, adding / subtracting tens and units, remembering number facts, using number and number bonds, doubles and near doubles, and using place value).