You'll love this fast pace 2D flying game. Your stuck in an asteroid field, you have to destroy them before they destroy you. You find out 2 of the asteroids aren't what they seem and you're engaged in a fast-acting reflex-driving onslaught of you versus the machine.
Can you do it? I think you can Captain.
You won't win the first couple of times you try... ;) I dare you to try. But you'll come to enjoy the time-killing-fun you'll have flying your busted spaceship through the universe.
Also, this game is always adapting and improving. I'm working to update it's features at least every 30 days, so that gives you 4 weeks to master it before I start throwing some wrenches into your plans :)
Why does it fly shaky? By design, the game assumes you've got a budget ship...with all kinds of quirks, but that's why you're the best paid pilot in the galaxy right? (Spoiler alert, future updates will show you more of your ships quirks during new missions) While you're ship's flight stabilizers are on the fritz, keep in mind the flight is directly controlled by your devices roll, pitch, and yaw, that being said, if you keep moving, you're sure to have a smoother ride...if you just sit around, the ride can be a bit shaky.
Last Updated 12/24/2014