The horror map for Minecraft Pocket Edition is your investigation, full of adventures, in search of supernatural, paranormal and terrible: zombies, ghosts and blood everywhere. And where do all these bloody adventures happen? In the hospital! Are you afraid of blood and are you afraid that you will not be able to survive in this bloody world of the sandbox Minecraft? Then you do not need to download the adventure horror map.
Your adventures begin at the door of the hospital you came to visit your friend. And then you face with real horror: blood and zombies are everywhere. What happened here? One way to find out what happened here and whether any of the patients managed to survive is to start an investigation, to start bloody adventure for survival in the world of MCPE. You will have to go through a real blood hell: zombies, ghosts, lava.
-Set a hard difficulty game mode
- Enter every 10 minutes in the command line / time set night
-No more than 3 players
Are you ready for a bloody investigation for survival in the world of MCPE? Dare, download the adventure horror map!
1) Download free of charge application
2) Open an installer
3) Install maps
4) Select maps from settings of resources of Pocket Edition
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