About Breathalyzer Test
Have you ever wished your phone could tell you how drunk you really are?
Well now it can!
Well, not really, but it's still good for a laugh.
Just hand your phone to a friend after they've been drinking and have them start the test by blowing into the microphone. When complete, the app will tell them how drunk they really are, along with a special message!
NOTE: This is NOT real! This is only a gag prank app to be used for entertainment purposes only. Do NOT operate heavy machinery or drive a vehicle if you are under the influence of alcohol. Your phone will NOT be able to tell you if you are drunk!
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Google Play ID: com.ezapp.breathalyzer
On this page, you can download for free for tablet Breathalyzer Test APK file for Android. Breathalyzer Test latest new version for Android is 1.1.
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