When it comes to games, Protoplus has it all and yes this time it has come up with yet another compelling game for all you game lovers out there.
This Fun and intense game named as Protoplus Chain Reaction game. As name as reaction and it is an Arcade Game. It is composition of some features like puzzle solving, complex thinking or you can say if a person with good strategy skills can solve it within a very less time with full-on interest.
Let me explain something more about this arcade game: Chain Reaction is a strategic game where the sole aim of a player is to occupy maximum grids on board with its own orbs and by destroying those of the opponents. This multiple player game can be played by 8 players at a time which makes it a complete family entertainer.
The number of players can be chosen from the settings option in the menu. Also, the best part of Chain Reaction game is that you can challenge your own device in the game which means you can also play the game as a single player with the CPU being your only opponent. Players can choose the color of their orbs and place them in the grids or cells in turns.
The grid explodes after reaching its maximum capacity, the number of orbs it can accommodate, and releases the orbs into neighboring grids claiming them for the player. So this is how Chain Reaction proceeds and the player having maximum orbs on the board in the end wins the game while those who lose all their orbs are out of the game.
Furthermore, a player can place their orbs in a cell which is either empty or is already having the orbs of same color. Our Chain reaction game has introduced with two levels which are Normal and Hard, so there’s plenty to get your teeth stuck into. This tiny game makes you to sit for hours and hours with your friends and buddies or you can build precious relation with your online buddies, mostly No need of more graphics, memory, and battery.
Protoplus Chain Reaction is really interactive arcade game app. This game really make you fall in love with it, now this time it is on digital platform which can bring more thrill and more excitement.