Boerenbridge, also known as Chinese pooping in Flanders, is a card game.
The object of the game is to predict how many tricks one can get in a certain game round. Each game round begins with the distribution of a given amount of cards to each player. Each player declares how many tricks they think they will win, starting with the player to the left of the dealer. The highest bidder determines the trump.
The last person to say how many tricks he takes (the dealer) may not say the number of tricks that would bring the sum up (Example: in round 7, each is dealt 7 cards. Player 1 says he takes no tricks, player 2 says three tricks and player 3 says two tricks, so player 4, who is sitting last, cannot say that he is going to get two tricks, because 0+3+2+2=7).
In the first game round, one card is dealt to each player. Two cards are dealt to each player in the second round, three cards in the third round, and so on. This accumulation of cards in the hand continues until there are just enough cards for the game to continue (for example, with five players, the maximum number of cards dealt per player equals 10). After the game round with the maximum number of cards, the following game rounds are reduced again, until the last round with one card per player. The player with the highest number of points after the last round wins the game.