Crisis Action - First-person shooter in real time - now in Russian! Join the battle and fight the players around the world!
A real find for fans of the FPS genre and multiplayer online games!
Crisis Action allows you to create clans for battles with your friends absolutely for free! The game boasts a large selection of small arms, grenades, armor and tactical equipment! It's time to take up arms and fight side by side with your faithful companions!
Features of the game The first mobile e-sports game FPS! Crisis Action - the first mobile e-sports shooter in the first person in Russia! The game features high-quality 3D graphics and allows you to fight in team battles online!
Create your own clan and fight with your friends! Collect the team and stock up on the weapon! Together with the team, you can become a participant in any battle and get out of it as a winner!
Multiplayer PvP! In this game you will find a lot of unique maps, single and group modes, different types of matches and battles!
Strategy is more important than weapons! Join the clan and destroy the enemy in real time! Unite in teams and develop your own strategy to succeed in group battles. There is safety in numbers!
An incredible amount of mind-blowing weapons! The most incredible shooter in history with a huge selection of powerful weapons for every taste!
Do not stop there! In PvE mode, you will find a lot of cards and single matches! In addition, you will definitely appreciate the convenient management and functions!
Gameplay Single mode: More levels to improve shooting skills.
Multiplayer: The more enemies, the more interesting.
Solo mode: The personal space of each player.
Command mode: Friends should stick together, join!
Biochemical regime: Who will be next this time?
Battles from 1in1 to 5in5 in the multiplayer battle mode! Contact Official website:
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Email: [email protected]