Application IQ test quiz show - is an educational application entertaining Distinction offers you useful information in the form of cultural competition this competition in the form of a question and a number of choices, and you choose the correct answer. Based on these questions will be able to test your knowledge of cultural and test your intelligence also
This application will test your intelligence will test your knowledge as a form of competition in many areas, it also helps you develop your cross-plugger value and variety of information. Application is available on a part by four answers questions to test your knowledge of cultural, and also includes side by questions with the answer to the evolution of information and Tmiha
Cultural Competition is a cultural variety of questions to test your intelligence with a knowledge in several areas, including the general culture and the Islamic and Arab culture, mathematics, sports, historical and geographic information and the Prophet's biography and the biography of the prophet and the Caliphs and a lot of diverse information.
Application of the "cultural competition - IQ test" is a special application running on the Internet to bring questions and only updated for the first time after working normally and without Internet access.
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