Absolute Defense!
★ This is your free Space Shooter!.
★ Absolute Defense is a shoot 'em up video game. So if you like power ups, blazing weapons, variety of enemies, steady paced scroll and amazing graphics, this is the game for you.
Is not every day that you can say: today I saved the world from a horde of advanced biomechanical creatures!
★ Addictive gameplay
★ Scores, compare yourself with other players.
★ Achievements. Beat the game!
★ Korean & Chinese support
★ Realtime Rankings for countries... compare yourself in real time with the people around you!
Some of the graphics come from the amazing game Tyrian, if you like the graphics, don't forget to visit lostgarden.com
★ This Space Shooter is full of action, be ready for explosions and crazy enemies on this Arcade.
★ The End Begins!