'Dig Away! - Idle Clicker Mining Game' is retro-style, relaxing Idle/Clicker/Incremental/Tapping -game for everyone!
Top three tactics for playing 'Dig Away! - Idle Clicker Mining Game':
- Tap, tap & tap more!
- Click, click & click more!
- Idle, idle & idle more!
"Why are the miners so fat?" (*in real life they are fit)
"Does ores really come out of the ground?"
"Why there's a wizard on that drill?"
Do it your way, tap, click or idle!
#1 Reason you should 'Dig Away!'
Everybody loves mining, right? This is the craziest mining simulator you'll ever see! Drill that rock like never before! Unlock lots of weird miners, drills and more! Click or Idle!
Don't feel like tapping? Just idle and your miners does the dirty job!
Main features:
- Fast paced, active gameplay with lots of upgrades
- No ADs! Ever!
- 100%FREE!
- No purchasable Pay to Win -currency (There's an option to go "premium" and support the development and gain a small boost to production)
- Leaderboards
- Crafting
- Achievements
You can play the world's best idle rock breaking simulator anywhere on your mobile!
Some user feedback:
"I was having a dinner with my girlfriend and I couldn't let my phone down because of the stupid miners!"
"First time I opened the game, I played eight hours straight!"
"The most addicting tapping game I've ever played!"
"Aww this is so cute!"
Dig Away is a great game for everybody! Perfect clicker game for short sessions. Are you bored? You can easily waste hours and hours tapping and clicking and watching that drill breaking the ground!
NOTE: No previous mining experience needed!
Please leave a review or feedback!
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DigAway/
Want to help with translating? I am looking to get this Google Play info page of Dig Away translated to other languages. If you would like to contribute your translation, please feel free to send your translation to
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