Get ready to make the most of your disc golf game at over 5500 courses world-wide!
Find nearby courses you haven't played before and save your favorites.
Use GPS to mark every throw, or just keep score normally.
Want to see how you've improved? View every throw you made in previous games on a course, showing your path from the tee to the basket.
View your career stats overall and per course. Want to brag about your longest drive ever? Yeah, we have you covered!
Mark tee and basket locations on course maps to see distance to the basket while playing.
Sign in with Google+ to get course maps from other users, and save your games to the cloud. View your games and stats from any android device.
Earn badges for aces, eagles, birdies, and other achievements.
Play 5 games for free on the trial version before upgrading to the full version. Your game history will carry over via the magic of the cloud.