Dots & Boxes is a Nostalgic Game that most of us might have played at School or College during the class hours.
Now that the students might have passed out of Schools and Colleges and won't be near to each other, we provide a way to play this game being on anywhere in this planet provided you have an Android or iOS(Would be released later) phone with network connectivity.
Important Note : To create a game with a particular user, add him to your Google+ circles first(this is the easiest method, you can also search for the person using his Google ID).
Notifications for your turn in a particular match when you are out of the game is from Google Play Services.
If you've not turned off notifications for Multiplayer, you should be getting them. (If not, update Google Play Services by going to play Store).
In order to turn it on, go to the app "Google Settings", select Play Games and select the notifications you like to get.The game is all about capturing Boxes.
Boxes are defined by 4 dots in the 4 corners.
The person who draws the 4th edge of a box captures it.
In the end, the person with more Boxes wins the game.
The game gets interesting when you play multiple online matches at the same time.
So, what are you waiting for?
Download the game and start matches with all your friends, we offer an interesting UI to switch between the games when its your turn in a particular match.
We offer three types of game play in this game.
* Online Multi-Player (Play any number of games against any opponents simultaneously).
- These games can be stopped and resumed.(In the sense, you can make a move and quit the game, the opponent can make his move any time in the future and we'll notify you that its your turn. This way, both participants need not be online during the start or throughout the game).
* Phone Multi-Player (Play 2 player game in the same phone).
* Single Player (Play against the Computer and try to beat the Computer Logic).
Online Multi-Player functionality is implemented by the latest Turn based Match feature in Google Play Games Services which offers asynchronous game play.
This is a feature that is released in 2014 and you would be one among the first to experience this new feature.
You can make a move and continue with your daily work, the game would notify when the opponent has made a move and is awaiting your move.
The advantage of this new feature is that you can play any number of games against any number of opponents simultaneously with out the limitation of having the opponent be online when the game is played or through out the game.
By this new feature, you need to be online only when you make a move.
Online multiplayer matches can be created using the create new match button.
In the dialog that opens, you can either select a particular player from Google+ or select Auto Pick.
After selecting a player, the game play screen is loaded where in you have to make the first move.
Then, you can leave the game and we'll notify you when the opponent has made a move and is waiting for your turn.
In the Auto Pick Opponent Mode, if any other player has started a match with Auto Pick player, we match you with that person and if there is no other auto pick match active, we create a new match for you.
By using this functionality, you can play against your favorite opponent without having the limitation of being together or being online through out the game.
Make good use of this Multi-Player functionality and relive your School and College days by remembering the classes.
The Game also has Achievements and Leader Board.
Have fun unlocking the achievements and rising up in the Leader Board.
Hope you have fun playing this little nostalgic game from School and College Classrooms.
The game got released in 2014 with the latest Turn Based Multi-Player feature which also got released in July 2014.
Make good use of this new feature and have fun playing against multiple opponents simultaneously.