This is a drinking game for real men. You and your buddies are soldiers in the army. Everybody in turn receives orders which must be completed.
- 40+ missions
- can be played with any type of drink (beer, wine, whiskey, wodka...even water)
- Great for warming up or at parties
- The only things needed are glasses, booze and this app. And your fellow soldiers of course.
So now it's time to invite your friends, get your supplies, and go to war!
Any serious college student should have this app
As with all drinking games, know your limits. If you cannot handle too much drinks, don't play this game. Don't drink and drive. Alcohol abuse is dangerous.
This app uses images from the following people who shared them under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 license (
- Rodolfo Nunez (logo, slightly cropped + added beer)
- Sam Howzit (bar image)