Dungeon RPG Clicker is about farming and pushing the ladder ingame. It's 100% free. All ingame items is free and can be farmed ingame. We are trying hard to make Dungeon RPG Clicker a great Clicker game, but DRPG isn't a idle clicker game, so you need to be active.
Skilling - Mining, Smithing, Cooking, Fishing and Thieving. More skills will come!
Hardcore - If you die, you die!
Things ingame you should know:
You get a Mystery box every 5 minutes.
You get a Legendary Mystery box every hour.
There is a max cap on HP, so you need to level to get higher HP to do better Maps.
Str, int and dex have its own unique power. (The unique power is hidden)
Dungeon RPG Clicker is a low storage game, which means that the game don't take much storage on your mobile, Dungeon RPG Clicker only requires 0,63 MB! So you don't need the best mobile to play the game!