◇ About Finger Battle Summoner ◇
Let's become a summoner, sneak up the Tsukaima over the other world and let the bad monsters go!
Finger battle summoner is a tower defensive style action RPG.
The view of the world of cute mini characters like Tsukaima and monsters,
It will surely be crazy for the game feeling that has never been before, exhilarating feeling of the enemy hordes!
◇ Battle in other world ◇
Choose partners from two Tsukaimais!
A Salamander focused on attack and a tower focusing on defense.
Let's partner with Tokuika who was suited to you, let's fight together in different world!
A battle that can not escape!
In different worlds, unique monsters one after another will be pricking for Tokugaima.
The quick decision is the key to winning, which mahou should be used according to the monster!
When the battle in the different world is over, let's share the result to summoner around you!
◇ Let's use three mahou ◇
Use three Mahou to fight with Tsukaima together!
1st Mahou: Sword Apply your fingers to different worlds and quickly rub!
The sword of sword that gives crisp and damage to monsters is activated!
2nd Mahou: In the Arrow 's Mahow when you used the Arrow Sword' s Mahow!
Aim the monsters and aim for a powerful attack!
Third Mahou: Release powerful Mahou with Magic Tokugai!
Tsukima Take advantage of each unique cooperation magic and get a victory!
◇ Sound copy light ◇
This application uses the free material published on the following WEB site.
Jellyfish designer
Sound effect laboratory
The Matchmakers
Satan's spirit
Let's play with free sound effects!