Flamengo - "Músicas da Torcida" produced by Planeta Android, intends to broadcast the most sung songs in football stadiums, when Flamengo is on the field.
In the application you will find:
1- Ten songs of the fans of Flamengo besides the anthem of the club.
2- The possibility of listening and accompanying the lyrics of the song.
3- Sound controls are available for use while playing the selected song.
4- The ease of being able to define a song as ringtone, alarm or notification of your cell phone.
5- You can also choose between different backgrounds related to your heart team.
6- Within the backgrounds you can choose to set as the background of the application or screen saver of your mobile.
7- With the main menu of the application you will have several options to learn more about the application and the company.
8 - For you to have more fun with the application, there is also an option where you play slide puzzle, with the images of the application.
9 - For you to follow your team, there is also an option with the news of the main sports channels, only about your team, In addition to the news you will find the classification of the 2014 championship. In addition to the news you will find the classification of the 2014 championship.
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