If your dream was always to be a professional tennis player, participate in the Roland Garros in France and compete against the strongest opponents, here you will have the opportunity to train and enjoy high quality graphics. You can play with friends or lonely, you just have to click on the screen and enter in this world of sport full of surprises and adrenaline!
If you are willing to give everything on the pitch, you just have to go every day to the sports center and train hard with your racket while jogging to gain physical strength and exercise your agility to be quick on your every move. Do not be afraid, because you have everything at your disposal to achieve your goal: sand, carpet or grass tracks, the best running shoes, comfortable clothes and the most prestigious coaches, so get on the track without any fear. The public of the steps will encourage you to give peace on the court, no disappointments and give the best of you. Before an important game it would be appropriate to practice the launching to warm the muscles and gain confidence against such a valuable event. To do this take the handle of the paddle firmly, make a shot hard and get hit in the opposing camp. Once you go taking security in the stage and see how simple it is, you'll not want stop to risk. When the play has begun measure accurately your shot and try to fool your opponent to not know where the ball will go.
Calculates very accurately the distance of the network to overcome the ball over it, because if you touch the least you'll lose and you'll have to start again. If you keep losing it means you're a bad player, but do not give up, try again and manages to be the highlight, luck champ!