Furious was the prince of the kingdom. He was the most respected dog kingdom. To top it all, his princess, a beautiful dog named Helina was the most beautiful. Unfortunately Feodor is desecendu Mars to remove Helina princess during sleep and the Furious.
Furious had to fight against feodor to rescue the princess. but to get there the learn karate and martial arts.
The years passed and Furious always maintained his hatred Feodor
Furious is set to also learn karate he had been taught to these friends because their help will be invaluable to fight Fedor and his disciples.
Feodor learned karate to all disciples that he sent to earth to prevent Furious deliver Helina.
Furious asked his companion, Whity, Caramel and Blacky help them fight the followers of Feodor (Alessandro, Emilio, Anatole, Ambrose and GREENY ROBOT)
You can also count on Furious Robot, Robot Helina, Whity Robot, Robot and Caramel Blacky Robot
The first disciple named Ambroise is a turtle that you will have to fight in the desert
The second is named Emilio is a crab in the sea
the 3rd is named Alessandro and a rooster in the village
the 4th is named Anatole and is a penguin in the mountain village
the fifth is named Greeny Robot and is a dog robot on the moon.
v 6 Different levels
v 6 monsters : Alessandro , Emilio , Anatole , Ambrose, GREENY ROBOT and Feodor
v A tactile and fluid gameplay
v The choice between 10 different characters Furious, Whity , Caramel , Helina , Blacky , Robot Furious, Helina Robot, Whity Robot, Robot Caramel Blacky Robot
v Every character Has DIFFERENT Features
v Different opponents at Each Level