Totally Free, Zero Install-Permissions, No Ads, No In-App Purchases, One-Button "Unlock All Levels+Tools".
Generic Platformer ( G.P. ) is a liquid smooth platforming game! Control your character with the power of Physics and Motion! Unlock cool tools like a machine gun, a wing suit, and "Portals" to help you beat 12 awesomely free levels!
This game is made by a Solo-Developer who worked in his free time and on weekends while going to University, so hold your criticism and unrealistic feature-requests at the door, this game had Zero Budget and is basically built out of caffeine and THC.
Controls: On Screen GamePad ( Move + Jump ) + On Screen Joystick ( Aiming )
Critics are raving!
"The graphics are definitely there I think!" -Shrodinger
"So Fun I Peed" - Another guy
"This is game!" - May Dupname
"I want to eat the music" - Homeless person with bag on head