GeoGuess is a game where you are placed in a random Google Street View location and you have to guess where you are
Similar to many web & iOS games, you can choose which countries, continents or areas you want to
be randomised, and can challenge others through leaderboards or multiplayer.
Features:‐ Random locations, anywhere where Street View exists
‐ Multiplayer mode (in‐app purchase, with 5 free trial games), play against your friends or random people online.
(Available for all countries, areas and continents [requires others to be online at the same time])- Famous places game mode, get placed in a random famous place and work out where it is
‐ Purchasable hints for those times you have absolutely no idea which country you are in
‐ Google Play Games integration with achievements, leaderboards (world, continents and areas only) and realtime multiplayer
‐ Against the clock mode with a customisable countdown
‐ Fun and educational ‐ Improves geological awareness (and guessing skill!)
‐ Similar and familiar scoring system to other games of its type
Note: You will need Google Play Services installed to use this app, though it should be installed automatically on your phone by Google
You are also recommended to use at least a 3G connection, WiFi is preferred (as long as it's quite fast), or it won't load.
Found a bug? Report it using the in‐app support feature and it will be fixed as soon as possible.
Please note that this game has advertising provided by AdMob as well as an in‐app purchase for unlocking multiplayer, purchasing hints and removing advertisements. This in‐app purchase uses methods to prevent piracy and may not work if you have apps used to circumvent this.