Live the life of honey bee and collect nectar from flowers. Protect bee hive from wild ants, killer scorpion and spider attack. Play Honey Bee Hive Simulator 2016 and sting enemies to save your colony.You are hungry honeybee trying to find nectar. Protect your beehive from spider and scorpion attack. Find worker and attacker bees for beehive. Flying from flower to flower, collect nectar for bee queen. Civilians will try to steal your honey so sting them and escape. Stop insect attack from wild ants and smash them in kill ant game. As buzzy bee, fight with deadly scorpion and sting to kill it in bee simulator. Gather attacker bees around you to form a bumblebee horde and fight against spider attack. Many insects want to destroy your colony so sting and kill enemies. Fulfill your hunger by collecting nectar from flowers and feed your flock in busy bee attack simulator.
You have played ant and spider simulator games, now play honey bee hive attack. Protect bee family from monster attack by flying to sting insects. Keep humans away by biting them in hilly village environment. Fly over a pond and forest in search of nectar. Explore the village life to find attacker bees to help against worm attack. Find worker honey bees to find more nectar for queen. You will fail the mission and die if you stay hungry so keep eating.
Honey Bee Hive Simulator 2016 Features:
10 exciting bee flying missions to collect food
Fight with insects as beez swarm
Fast paced andaction packed animal simulator
Realistic wild insect sound effects
Immersive 3D village environment with boats and windmill
Download honey bee hive simulator 2016 now to fly like a buzzy bee and fight wild insects and people.