Hi, welcome! We are very happy because we have to spend time together. Today we'll get a good laugh, you will know us and you will surely become our best friend. We are delighted that you have chosen to visit us, we know that you really like what we have prepared for you. This game will help you to have fun and test your important skills. If you are a child full of life you will like to know that we have prepared for you a cooking game. Here you'll feel just like a real chef and will definitely prove you're the best chief confectioner. If you like ice cream you'll have a very nice surprise to find out that your cake will be prepared with frozen fruit and a lot of chocolate, you'll be able to taste the most delicious types of ice cream and why not to have the most satisfied customers. Our restaurant is in good hands, we know that you are the child that we need in this beautiful day.
Follow all instructions to prepare ice cream in the park.
Use machine made freezes and you will definitely make the best ice cream for children.
- First you have to know the cuisine, you'll notice that it's very well equipped;
- You will be able to use everything that you need;
- It is time to go to market to buy all the ingredients;
- Respect the recipe to make everything wonderful;
- Our friend has a beautiful home in the woods, here everything is very nice and quiet;
- You will be able to cook in a relaxing environment;
- Now you have tomeet Amy;
- She is in the kitchen and waiting the time when the restaurant will be open for children;
- The chocolate ice cream is delicious and you have to let her taste;
- Prepare all ingredients;
- In a large bowl must add: milk, eggs, fruit juice and sugar. Mix well;
- Cut fruit;
- Prepare cake batter;
- Enter the countertop oven;
- Now you have to prepare cream cake;
- Garnish the cake with whatever you want;
- Do not forget to add fruit ice cream to make a cake perfect for hot weather;
- You have to make one cake for each client;
- Customers are very happy, you did a great job;
- You are a very good cook.
Thank you for your help, every day you can help us only through this ice cream cake game.
Have fun!