Kamikaze Space is a new, free and very addictive space shooter game.
The StoryYou are the pilot of a battle-space-station somewhere in the galaxy.
Aliens suddenly attack you from all sides by flying right into you. Protect the station at all costs!
Your weapon of defense: Four laser weapons, each pointing at different directions. Shoot the enemy to survive.
How to PlayRotate the space station (by swiping around it in a dialing motion) to aim your lasers at the alien invaders.
Then just lift your finger off the screen to shoot all lasers at once.
But don't waste your shots: Too much shooting and your lasers will overheat (they will regenerate though).
Oh, and for more fun and firepower try to collect additional lasercannons, so that you can shoot in more directions.
Be careful though: You will loose your upgraded laser if your cannon gets hit (and with only a few lasers left it gets really challenging).
When will the game end?Never. It's just getting faster and faster and with each level there will be different alien enemies. Depressing, I know ; ) But how about beating other players by trying to reach the best score? Can you do it? This space shooter game is totally addicting so it's really fun to play and try again until you are the best of the best.
Normal- vs Hardcore-ModeIn the Hardcore game mode there are no energy extras to collect and you will die instantly after being hit.
There are separate Leaderboards for both gamemodes. Try to reach the highscore in both.
For more information and screenshots visit www.kamikazespace.com and for some gameplay videos go to www.youtube.com/kamikazespace