Hi, welcome to our world, here everything will seem awesome, you will like to play with us and learn many new things. You definitely know what you want to become when you grow up. Regardless of what you want you should know that you can get with hard work. Today you will get to know a young woman who has chosen the most beautiful profession, namely the work around children. She is teacher and every day teaches children the necessary things, she is a very good teacher and a very loved by her students. In this game for children you have the most important role, you'll be a doctor. The doctor is the one who helps us whenever we are in pain. This game gives you the opportunity to test your skills and even more will be able to prove to everyone that you are a very responsible child who may have an important job.
If you want to get to the end of the game and receive praise you will have to pay attention to every detail of this game for girls.
Follow all instructions of this game.
Good luck!
- You'll know the beautiful teacher;
- She wants to become your friend;
- Jessica loves very much what you do but today was ill and desperately needs you;
- You can choose the level with one click;
- You will need to consult her;
- Check heartbeat;
- Check if the young person has fever;
- Must provide an appropriate treatment;
- Jessica should stay in bed;
- Make an injection that will help her to feel better;
- After you've treated her you will have to help Jessica;
- Help her to breathe;
- Apply the plaster over wounds;
- Jessica arrived home and you will have to help her with whatever she needs;
- Give her some food;
- Choose the most beautiful dress;
- Choose the most interesting accessories;
- The young woman is very happy, you did a great job.
Thank you for help, please come back daily through this game.
have fun!