Let's start the "Adventures of Kiro" nào!
Once upon a time, there lived a mice named Kiro, who had a beautiful garden and a son - Meow. Kiro and Meow had had a peaceful life.
Every day, Kiro went to his garden to take care of the plants and flowers. Until one day, the Mighty Chicken shown up, warned him about bad things caming up and requested him to find golden feathers. Kiro didn't believe.
A couple days went by, Zoro from the Dark garden appeared. He took Meow and bring him back to his garden. Kiro garden had been destroyed too.
The Mighty Chicken came again. He said: "Help me find my golden feathers. I need those to recorver my power which has been taken by Zoro. And I will help you defeat Zoro and bring back your son.".
Kiro agreed to help. With the help from Kuro, his best friend, Kiro, they began the adventures into the dark garden of Zoro to save Kiro's son.