Who is Frederic Mastro?
Frédéric Mastro is an expert in personal defense. With his experience in the middle of the night as a doorman and close protection for more than 20 years, he has created a simple, effective and realistic system to deal with the various attacks of current urban violence. Evolving in the world of security, he had to adapt certain techniques in order to meet the needs and strict legislation. So there is personal self-defense and professional self-defense. What he brought to MDS TACTICAL.
The selection :
Fred Mastro wants to be selective in the choice of his students and the techniques taught. The MDS therefore encompasses a whole series of techniques, tactics and behaviors that are specific to the various professions of security and close protection as well as to civilians (the latter must present all the conditions of good repute). They have proven their effectiveness many times in real conditions!
Based on the reality of the street!
The MDS offers a professional system of personal defense and control of individuals based on the experience of many agents in the night world, private and public security and APR.
The private or the professional will adopt an adequate purpose according to the type of aggression and the level of risk, the response must be proportional to the attack. This makes the MDS an ideal work tool for anyone working in the field of private or public security.
Courses and courses in personal defense are offered to help the professional to work more safely and to preserve his physical integrity, that of his colleagues as well as that of the assailant or the aggressor.