Mina2 (Minesweeper multiplayer flags) is the evolution of the classic game Minesweeper. Play against your friends or against opponents from all over the world. Find more mines than anybody, show your skill and concentration. Again enjoy this great game, this time shared with your friends.
Start games as you want against your friends or against random opponents from all over the world. Make points and status in the world ranking, earn coins winning games and make more money with the special achievements finishing games with extraordinary ratings. Spend your coins to use the perks, they will provide you to win new games and then to go up positions in the ranking. There is no limits, as you play more you get bigger.
Mina2 Features:
- multi-player game, plays against as many users as you want and open the games that you want.
- cross-platform play from the phone or from facebook.
- world ranking, look your position in the world ranking.
- live chat with your opponents.
Mina2 is free.
You can also play game or follow on Facebook: facebook.com/mina2game and Twitter: @mina2game