About Mr. Nom (Snake) Multiplayer
Welcome to the next generation of Mr. Nom the snake game, it is the remodeling of the original game introduced in Beginning Android 4 Games Development book by Mario Zechner and Robert Green.
The game has many improvements over the original one, and it is now multiplayer, you play the game against your friends over a WIFI connection (or hotspot network between two mobile devices).
Enjoy the game and try to get the ink stains before your rivals.
The game is still in beta version so please forgive any bugs and feel free to report any bugs and submit your suggestions to the developer, we shall be more than grateful.
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Google Play ID: com.bbk.mrnommultiplayer
On this page, you can download for free for tablet Mr. Nom (Snake) Multiplayer APK file for Android. Mr. Nom (Snake) Multiplayer latest new version for Android is 1.1.
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