naru adventure Impact follows the titular anime series from beginning to end, hitting the series' highlights along the way, dropping you into 1 vs. 100 style beat up battles on open playing fields. The main campaign offers a sizable 20 hours of content, during which you get to play as, and level up, a huge cast of colorful characters while collecting and equipping stat enhancing cards to further augment their abilities. If you're not in the mood for a lot of exposition and dialogue, you can head over to the Extra and Tag Mission modes and get right to the clobberin', either on your own or with a buddy over ad hoc.
The first two games of the Naru series let players execute three different secret technique attacks using three different Chakra levels two different signature techniques, and a wide variety of kicks and punches. However, in Naru Heroes, players are only allowed to use one secret technique attack, besides the other attacks and techniques.
Naru adventure, tons of random enemy encounters occur as you wander the world.
You'll spend a lot of time in the combat screen trading kung-fu kicks with various ninja,
samurai, monsters, and pirates in a pretty standard fare of turn-based bouts.