My best friend has to give birth soon, so we have to stay with her to help her. She moved into an apartment alone because her husband is gone to another country to work. It feels very bad and hurts belly. You must help her to wash and go to the hospital, but I can not do this because they are frozen and do not want to get sick and my friend. I would ask you to help me because we know that you love to watch people as you like to help. In this game you have to take care of my girlfriend to make her feel better.
1) First you have to wash your hair, so she'll apply a layer of shampoo after which you squirt a little.
2) then you have to perfume to smell good and pleasant.
3) after I finished bathing must help to eat, so she'll bring a soda crackers and some chopped fruit.
4) after I arrived at the hospital have to weigh before birth and to manage some tablets.
5) We need to do a review and see what stage is the baby.
6) after giving birth should wash this baby, and we use baby shampoo and a special powder.
7) we will continue to change the blanket and we will put a new pacifier.
The boy is very nice, clean and quiet. Thanks you wanted to help me, I could not do this alone. We invite you to choose and other games for girls in this developer to see if you're doing as well as you did before.
Have fun!