NotesDeMusique is probably one of the best free and subscription-free apps to learn how to read music notes.
NotesDeMusique is a free, subscription-free educational musical game focused on the musical staff.
NotesDeMusique allows you to learn to read music notes on a staff while having fun, develop your ear through musical dictations, and offers many additional features.
♪♫ Features ✓ 4 types :
Reading music (notes) ――
Ear training (notes) ――
Reading music (chords) ――
Ear training (chords) ✓ 4 modes :
Training ――
Timed game (finding the maximum score in a 1 or 2 minutes game)
Survival mode (Game over if you make a mistake)
Challenge mode (Challenge on 5, 10, 20, 50 et 100 notes !)
✓ 3 notation systems to display the notes name :
Do Ré Mi Fa Sol La Si ――
C D E F G A B ――
C D E F G A H ✓ 4 clefs, on 4 octaves ! :
Treble Clef ――
Bass Clef ――
Alto Clef ――
Tenor Clef ✓ Save scores by types and games modes
♪♫ Additional features ✓ Tuner
✓ Dashboard and streak tracking
✓ Dictionary of chords
― Available chords are :
Major ――
Minor ――
7 (dom) ――
7 Major ――
7 Minor ――
Dim ――
Aug ✓ Help displaying the notes name
♪♫ Contact If you find any bug or if you have any suggestions to help improve NotesDeMusique, please contact me !
♪♫ Website NotesDeMusique website: NotesDeMusique changelog:♪♫ Discover the NDM Suite NDM (Notes De Musique) offers a series of applications to learn different instruments:
― Notes De Musique : The first application focuses on reading music notes from sheet music (on the staff, for music theory).
― NDM - Guitare 🎸
― NDM - Basse 🎸
― NDM - Ukulélé 🎸
― NDM - Piano 🎹
― NDM - Violon 🎻