Game of cards with Spanish deck in which the ability influences more than chance.
Includes multiplayer mode with new design in which the rules are followed correctly.
To play an online game it is necessary that there be at least 4 people connected prepared to participate.
It has a ranking in which the players with the most wins are shown.
Rules (according to Wikipedia):
- All players must follow the starting suit, and beating the highest card of that suit on the table, if possible.
- If a player does not have any starting suit card, he must take trump (commonly known as failure).
- In case of not having any card neither of the starting or triumph stick, you can take any card from any of the two remaining suits.
- Additional note: If a player has previously failed, the others have to follow the starting suit, although it is no longer necessary for them to surpass any card since they do not choose to win the trick.
- Additional note: If a player has previously failed and we do not have any cards from the starting suit, we are obligated to fail only if we have a win higher than the highest one on the table. Otherwise, you are not forced to waste the win (although it could be done if the player was interested).