One of the most popular games in Bohemia. With an unforgettable dubbing by Luděk Sobota, Petra Nárožného, Jiří Lábus, Pavel Pípal, Valerie Zawadská, Petra Hanžlíková, Václav Faltus and Vlastimil Bedrna. Compared to the PC version, it also includes the ability to display instructions, display active locations in the location and active items in the inventory, a tutorial and two modes of control - a classic cursor or just touch.
The town of Marsyas is known all over the world as a place of revolutionary technology to clone the human race. With the development of this technology and its wide application, the whole city is booming. The production of clones in DNA revolution takes gigantic proportions, and traders sell cloned personalities around the world. There they act as doubles to politicians or popular artists, and the skills of clandestine scientists or warriors and others are also used. The town thrives, people live well and are just about to be at the height of the year - a Miss Cloned Choice. When a crime comes into their plan. Follow his footsteps and experience countless adventures.
The opening part of the game is free, then you can buy additional episodes. We will be glad if you support us so that we can go to other parts as well.
-45 interactive characters
-330 minutes of great dubbing of leading Czech comedians
-50 locations in different environments
-Excellent style graphics
-Many items
-paral scrolling
- Interesting detective plot
-logical tasks
-Good music and sounds
English and French subtitles
-graphics in higher resolution
-Two kinds of control - Classic cursor and touch
-in the introductory part of the game help in the game
Please ask anyone who does not like the game or has any other problem to write to
[email protected]. If you get a bad review with something that does not work, it is not possible to get in touch with you and solve it. It is unfortunately not our best to have tested the game on all possible devices.