Keep up to date with your imaginary looting underling!
This simple app quickly displays a randomly generated journal entry detailing a fantasy style raid performed by a roaming looter...
All you need to do is passively enjoy the endless Journal entries and watch your looting underling amass a fortune in gold.
RLJ BETA currently contains around 1200 elements (regions,rooms,descriptions,enemies,weapons,taverns,etc)
The RLJ catalogue of elements will be greatly expanded with each update.
Buyers can define up to 10 weapons, 10 NPCs name, 10 Locations and 10 rooms to be included in the next update if they wish to do so (just leave your choices in the reviews section and it will be done). You can insert yourelf into the RLJ universe or just create/choose your favorite fantasy elements to be included.
This is a BETA release and will quickly expand over time.
This app contains NO malware / ads / IAP / spam / data collection.
Just a straight forward (and tiny) program.
All feedback is welcome.
1. Launch App
2. Read Journal Entry (or press for narration)
3. Press anywhere to exit (or tap logo for new encounter)
4. Return for more later
Random Looting Journal BETA ( RPG Fantasy Encounter Generator )