This is the story about a man named Charlie. He died under mysterious circumstances.Since then he has to wander in the labyrinths of non-existence, in the form of a glowing white ball, hovering between life and death. He ride into the darkness. Charlie's purpose is to find a way out of the labyrinths. On his way he will have to pass through a variety of portals, hoping that one of them will be the last.
- 30 units of the puzzle
- character's ability to change himself gravity
- Riding through the levels, which made in the best traditions of the platformer genre (side scroller).
- dynamic obstacles - you never know what will happen next
- interesting and addictive story
- beautiful grafics like "Osmos" and "World of goo"
- pleasant game atmosphere
- Realistic physics conundrums with ball
- Smooth and responsive game play