In this simple 3D game we come to the rescue of Princess Alisy playing a square toy with a life of its own (Boxman) that must collect coins along the way, keys, medallions and solve simple puzzles, accommodate objects or open doors, raise lifts, etc, to advance in the levels of the game.
Boxman has enough strength to move objects bigger than him. It is immune to falls from above and due to its low weight it is able to float in the air and move forward.
To direct it we only use the circular control on the left and with the other buttons we can zoom in to get closer to the perpesective of the toy.
. There is no time limit, you can go around and try to explore the whole place, even though you have reached the objectives in each level.
. Some passages are opened by joining a certain amount of coins, in others you need to find a key (gold), knock on the door and take a "little step" back to open it.
. You can take all the keys (golden) and occupy them at the time you want to do it, there is no mandatory sequence, but sometimes if we get stuck we can press the level loading buttons and continue.
. All levels are unlocked and in future updates more scenarios will be added.
This game does not require internet connection to play, does not need special permissions for installation, is completely free and does not contain advertising or in-app purchases.