It has been known by many names
* Cows and Bulls *
* Mastermind *
We bring to you the all new version of Code breaking and mastering the number game. Challenge the villain Shirinzo. Rescue the 4 kings and reach on top of the Leaderboard
How To Play
* The objective of the game is to beat the computer in single player mode or your opponent in multiplayer by rescuing the 4 kings
* Guess a 4 digit number without duplicates
* if you guess the correct digit at the correct position, you get a King
* If you guess a correct digit but incorrect position, you get a Queen
* If you get all 4 incorrect digits then you get a Joker
* Find the Sequence. Break the code and get 4 kings to win.
You may have played this game as mastermind or cows and bulls before
Shirinzo is the latest version of this game which is now also available in multiplayer mode.
Challenge players across the globe and unlock achievements.
Win achievements to go up the ladder and get a massive cash prize upon reaching level 50.
Identity - To create user profile for multiplayer game
Contacts - To send game request to people in the contact