Welcome to the game smart detective
Game smart detective is a beautiful and distinctive game in the Arabian our store
This game any game Altrra Kamal game fun and wonderful and will not tire of played once charged her
It's also a Games without music
How to play the game smart detective and investigator hotshot?
Simply just implement duty work tasks, which helps our hero
To overcome the difficulties and bumps that'll come across
There figures come your way, but you have to click on the screen to jump and go beyond the difficulties and problems that happened to our hero detective who is being Setjaozha help you and you being who will make the investigator completes the task successfully.
What are the advantages of the game?
- Amo shekshek HD colorful backgrounds
- bright Colours
- Without music conan
- Champions-known detective who's enemies Oklahoman
-chksaat Know like hotshot investigator
- Diverse and fascinating stages of cartons Conan true and his votes
- Kamal vote investigator detective during the beginning and the loss and error all his votes in the game
- A fun and diverse landscapes and has a high image quality
- Extending through the means of social communication
- Which combines gold coins that the way to challenge friends Tsttiq level reached him
- Tough little game you have the patience to overcome the many stages
- Included a beautiful and difficult Coordinator start easy and then a little harder to Vasab
- There are two worlds to play in the world of the investigator that the smartphone in the forests and jungles and stage smart detective in the snow or frost
On the last Thank you for uploading the game
Enjoy playing
Remember Allah
Detective smart salute you