A Defense Game
Control your base's white shield to defense enemy (Red)
Cyan dot will give your more health (larger base)
White dot will give longer base shield (White)
Dark red dot will shorten your base shield
Dark blue dot will give a comprehensive shield for a period of time
When base area equal to zero, game over!
Features added:
new type of enemy: Bobm (damages the shield(wall))
new protection: Repair (repairs the shield(wall))
Features waiting to add:
=Add new entity: Guard
-will circle around the core to protect your Base(Core), //set speed = constant
-has its own health
-take damage for being contact with enemy
-take no damage for Bobm, shield type, health type and repair type
=Change time counter to Score counter
-score base on enemy defended, number of guards
=Add share with your friend feature (FB,Twitter, and more)
=More interesting ideas are welcome!
Open Souce: https://github.com/Aaron-Zhao/Space-Defense
A game based on game "Core" -> https://github.com/o2genum/CoreGame
and web version -> http://hakim.se/experiments/html5/core/01/#