Game Super Ash Aventure Run Jungle is a fun and exciting new game full of thrills and thrills. The game is one of the adventure games in which a set of punches and monsters are ready to help our friend Ash who wants to defeat the bad guys like other friends known as Pikachu, Pokemon Go, Dragon Charezard, Skirtl and Polpasor, Charmander Dragon and Charlemagne many From other classic heroes what is Pokemon go. To overcome the enemies and overcome the obstacles to collect as much of the Pokéball and earn a lot of power and energy to continue this adventure and finish the game. Download Super Ash Aventure Run Jungle game to have fun and do not forget To share with your friends and dear colleagues
Ashes In this game, you can quickly win a lot of Pokéball, so gain more power.
How ash evolves in evolution: Super ash evol evolves
As we have gathered a lot of balls, more Energy Champion Super Charizard is more fun and fun than the first Asphalt Evolution chart
Many characters: Alice and the boy Zard and Shary Man and the Dragon Charizard and Mega Moto and Charmander Evolution and Moto Dragunit Love all the children of the world Pikachu Good friend of the hero Ashes The main character Our game for my adventure from the name of Efe Dragon .Eevoli
You can play with Charizard the Dragon and Charmander Dragons and overcome obstacles that collect as many balls as possible.
It's a good game for all the children to play Ashley Evangelical Quirrels to free other friends Pikachu, Guo, Dragon Charisard,
Skirtl-bulbasaur-charmander-charmillion boy, and other needs help
The game features Larvesta Runner Slider
Control the game by clicking on the phone screen or tablet
Draw a beautiful forest at night and high quality
Simple and addictive game
Collect lots of balls and earn more energy for super ash online
Free game do not need to buy
Game suitable for children and all ages
Download Super Ash Temple for free today and share the game with your best friends
how to play :
Click the play button to start Pikachu evolve
vaporeon-dragonite-giarados-raichu-gengar-lucario-arceus-dratini blast-lapras-magikarp-umbreon-arcanine-vulpix-jolteon-growlite-porygon -moto-zygarde-psyduck-scyther-meowth-aerodactyl -charger-cubone-miga Myoto
Then press the phone screen to jump and beat Loggia in obstacles
Beautiful, painting, and also Pachacho-Onyx Apra-Abra develop traditional, beautiful music
Support your phone and tablet PC
Game for children and all ages
Free game, no need to buy
Download Super Gardevire Ash Game and enjoy your friends.